
Maya Hambro picture
Maya Hambro

Maya has a fascinating and pointless degree in Theology from Cambridge University. After a brief stint writing about music she fell into casting, working for Suzanne Smith, before taking the leap into Talent Management, something she considers her best life choice to date. She has a passion for telling stories, by optioning and developing new projects with her clients. Aside from being an agent, Maya’s interests include dancing to bands in sunny fields, hosting elaborate dinner parties and making extensive hypothetical wish lists on Net-A-Porter.

Tom Jeggo picture
Tom Jeggo

Tom graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in Business Management and, after realising he definitely didn’t want to work in finance, spent a short period in wildlife conservation before moving into Talent Management. He’s worked at several of the most established acting agencies in the UK and is passionate about working closely with a select list of clients to help them achieve their goals as well as developing projects. He’s also a keen tennis player (although no one’s ever actually seen him play!) and has a tiny dog called Percy.

Charlie Wilson picture
Charlie Wilson

Charlie trained in Stage Management & Production at RADA and worked in casting before becoming an Agent. He believes every actor should have an active voice in their own career and should work with a team that shares their goals and values. Charlie likes playing chess and drinking wine, but isn’t very good at doing both at the same time.

The Team

Head of Development

Amanda C Lee picture
Amanda C Lee

A not-so-recent transplant from the US, Amanda came to London with the intention of NOT working in film or TV, yet the industry somehow pursued her. Having worked for production companies, a public service broadcaster and on the production side of TV, she landed at Insight to scratch her development itch once more. One day she hopes to have her request of being portrayed as a red panda fulfilled. As a self-declared oenophile, Amanda is always happy to judge a restaurant by its wine list and one day hopes to be lost amongst her own hectares of vines.


Tim Bradbeer picture
Tim Bradbeer

Tim has a degree in English Literature from Exeter University. Previously he worked for a literary agency and in production; personal highlights include working as Kenneth Branagh’s production assistant and general managing Peter Shaffer’s memorial service. He has a basset hound called Bismarck and dreams of having a client in The Archers or a remake of The West Wing. He has a particular passion for screen adaptations of his favourite novels.


Will Thorne picture
Will Thorne

Will studied communication and film at UCLA, before embarking on a brief stint in entertainment PR. He then worked as a reporter at Variety, where interviewing the likes of Tom Hanks and Oprah inspired him to give talent management a try, although he hears those two may already have representation. He is committed to helping clients build their careers and bring their passion projects to the screen. Will also harbors an unhealthy obsession with cooking shows and lesser known pasta varieties.


Hasna Ould - Dada
Hasna Ould-Dada

Toward the end of her Psychology degree at King's College London, Hasna fell in love with  screenwriting and narrative game design, and felt that her study of the human condition was a great starting point for creative writing and worldbuilding. Hasna is excited to help fellow creatives develop their dream careers. When she's not working, she is glued to her custom gaming PC - it’s a 90% chance she's sweating on Dead By Daylight.


Cara Moran
Cara Moran

Cara studied English at Oxford, where her childhood spent reading (definitely not on Wattpad) finally paid off. While there, Cara found herself always engaging in TV and Film, from her coursework on communication in silent films to her dissertation on Fanfiction and Hollywood. So, after graduating (and a few months spent working in a pub), she headed to Insight, where she loves watching the magic unfold. In her spare time, Cara can be found watching New Girl or Community for the millionth time and encouraging (forcing) friends and family to listen to Taylor Swift.